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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = rzemiosło ludowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = blacha \- wyroby] OR [Subject and Keywords = Huculi] OR [Subject and Keywords = Huculi \- etnografia] OR [Subject and Keywords = łąki i pastwiska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Huculszczyzna \(Ukraina\) \- leśnictwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = kuśnierstwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = drewno \- wyroby] OR [Subject and Keywords = budownictwo wiejskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = rzeźbiarze] OR [Subject and Keywords = garncarstwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = mosiądz \- wyroby] OR [Subject and Keywords = Huculszczyzna \(Ukraina\) \- statystyka] OR [Subject and Keywords = Huculszczyzna \(Ukraina\) \- geografia fizyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = broń myśliwska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Huculszczyzna \(Ukraina\) \- geologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = kuchnia regionalna] OR [Subject and Keywords = Huculszczyzna \(Ukraina\) \- meteorologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = owca \- hodowla] OR [Subject and Keywords = Huculszczyzna \(Ukraina\) \- etnografia] OR [Subject and Keywords = wieś] OR [Subject and Keywords = Huculszczyzna \(Ukraina\) \- rolnictwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = spław] OR [Subject and Keywords = kuchnia huculska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Huculszczyzna \(Ukraina\) \- łowiectwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = metale \- wyroby] OR [Subject and Keywords = Huculszczyzna \(Ukraina\) \- rybołówstwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = przesądy] OR [Subject and Keywords = cerkwie \- budownictwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = Huculszczyzna \(Ukraina\) \- fauna i flora] OR [Subject and Keywords = gospodarstwo domowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = Huculszczyzna \(Ukraina\) \- hydrografia] OR [Subject and Keywords = bednarstwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = Huculszczyzna \(Ukraina\) \- rzemiosło] OR [Subject and Keywords = drut \- wyroby] OR [Subject and Keywords = rzeźba ludowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = ubiór] OR [Subject and Keywords = tkactwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = owczarnia] OR [Subject and Keywords = robotnicy leśni] OR [Subject and Keywords = Huculszczyzna \(Ukraina\) \- życie codzienne] OR [Subject and Keywords = gospodarstwo domowe \- wyposażenie] OR [Subject and Keywords = stolarstwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = gospodarstwo rolne] OR [Subject and Keywords = budownictwo ludowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = sztuka ludowa huculska] OR [Subject and Keywords = potrawy świąteczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = surowce] OR [Subject and Keywords = strój ludowy \- Huculi] OR [Title = Huculszczyzna \: z mapą, 5\-ma chromolitograficznemi tablicami i 233 illustracyami. T. 1] OR [Creator = Šuchevič, Volodimir \(1849\-1915\)]

Number of results: 255

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Olszański, Henryk (1939-2005)


Muzeum Budownictwa Ludowego (Sanok) Ginalski, Jerzy (1932- ) (red.)


Meloch, Maksymilian (1905-1941) Gąsiorowska, Natalia (1881-1964) (przedm.)


Kozakiewicz, Antoni (1841-1929)


Szujski, Józef (1835-1883)


Budzisz, Władysław (red.) Stowarzyszenie Miłośników Jarosławia (Jarosław)


Muzeum Budownictwa Ludowego (Sanok) Czajkowski, Jerzy (1931- ) (red.)


Muzeum Budownictwa Ludowego (Sanok) Kisielewska, Anna (red.)


Kwiatkowski, Damazy (1936-2004)

nie datowana [1969-1972]

Swederski, Walery Komisja Naukowych Badań Ziem Wschodnich

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