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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = muzyka polska \- historia \- 15\-20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = muzyka ukraińska \- historia \- 15\-20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Lwów \(Ukraina\) \- muzyka \- 15\-20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Lwów \(Ukraina\) \- kultura \- 15\-20 w.] OR [Title = Šlâh do Muzičnoï Akademìï u L´vovì \: u dvoh tomach. T.1, Vid dobi mìs´kih muzikantìv do Konservatorìï \[poč. XV st. \- do 1939 r.\]] OR [Creator = Mazepa, Leszek \(1931\-2016\)] OR [Creator = Mazepa, Teresa \(1968\- \)]

Number of results: 13

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