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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = katechizm katolicki] OR [Subject and Keywords = katecheza \- katolicyzm] OR [Subject and Keywords = wiara \- chrześcijaństwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = Skład Apostolski] OR [Subject and Keywords = sakramenty] OR [Subject and Keywords = sakramenty wtajemniczenia chrześcijańskiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = chrzest] OR [Subject and Keywords = bierzmowanie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Eucharystia] OR [Subject and Keywords = namaszczenie chorych] OR [Subject and Keywords = małżeństwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = kapłaństwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = grzechy główne] OR [Subject and Keywords = pycha] OR [Subject and Keywords = chciwość] OR [Subject and Keywords = nieczystość \(etyka\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = zawiść] OR [Subject and Keywords = łakomstwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = gniew] OR [Subject and Keywords = lenistwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = cnoty teologiczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = wiara] OR [Subject and Keywords = nadzieja] OR [Subject and Keywords = miłość] OR [Subject and Keywords = cnoty kardynalne] OR [Subject and Keywords = mądrość] OR [Subject and Keywords = odwaga] OR [Subject and Keywords = sprawiedliwość] OR [Subject and Keywords = podręczniki] OR [Title = Praktisches Handbuch für Katecheten \: enthaltend den vom österreichischen Gesammtepiscopat approbierten „großen Katechismus” mit kurzen Wort\- und Sacherklärungen. Bd. 2] OR [Creator = Oberer, Franz \(1851\-1902\)]

Number of results: 188

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Krebs, Johann Philipp (1771-1850)


Bąk-Korzeniowska Marzena, Januszkiewicz Barbara, Kopacka Agnieszka, Kupiszewska Anna, Stakhniuk Natalia


Buttmann, Philipp Karl (1764-1829)


Raaf, H. de (1840-1921) Król, Kazimierz (1853-1944) (tł.) Moszczeńska, Izabela (1864-1941) (tł.)


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