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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = litografia] OR [Subject and Keywords = druk płaski] OR [Subject and Keywords = dokumenty ikonograficzne] OR [Subject and Keywords = grafika \- 19 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Talheim \(Niemcy\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Tuttlingen \(Wirtembergia \; okręg\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wirtembergia \(Niemcy\) \- etnografia] OR [Title = Brautleute aus dem Dorfe Tallheim. Ober Amt Tuttlingen. Königr. Würtemberg] OR [Creator = Schurig, Karl Wilhelm \(1818\-1874\)]

Number of results: 262

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Klauber, Joseph Sebastian (ca 1700-1768) Klauber, Johann Baptist (1712 - ca 1787)


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