Search for: [Subject and Keywords = fotografia polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Muzeum Historyczne \(Sanok\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Sanok \- kultura] OR [Subject and Keywords = Sanok \- sztuka] OR [Subject and Keywords = zbiory muzealne \- Polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = ikonografia chrześcijańska \- Polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = sztuka sakralna polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = malarstwo sakralne polskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = ikony \- zbiory] OR [Subject and Keywords = Sanok \- Muzeum Historyczne] OR [Title = \[Kolekcja ikon \- Muzeum Historyczne w Sanoku\] \[Fotografia\]] OR [Creator = Łokaj, A.]