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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Rzeszów \- kościół i klasztor bernardynów] OR [Subject and Keywords = duchowość chrześcijańska] OR [Subject and Keywords = przysłowia polskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = anegdoty polskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = wizerunki maryjne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Matka Boska Rzeszowska \(figura\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = grzech] OR [Subject and Keywords = post] OR [Subject and Keywords = kalendarz] OR [Title = Kalendarzyk na rok 1946 oraz historia cudownej statuy M. B. w kościele OO. Bernardynów w Rzeszowie]

Number of results: 111

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Ballerini, Antonio (1805-1881) Palmieri, Domenico (1829-1909) (red.)


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