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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Austria \- historia \- 16\-19 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Austria \- polityka \- 16\-19 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Austria \- gospodarka \- 16\-19 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Austria \- handel \- 16\-19 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Austria \- rolnictwo \- 16\-19 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Austria \- przemysł \- 18\-19 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Austria \- kultura \- 16\-19 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Habsburg \(ród\) \- polityka] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ferdynand I \(cesarz rzymsko\-niemiecki \; 1503\-1564\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Maksymilian II \(cesarz rzymsko\-niemiecki \; 1527\-1576\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rudolf II \(cesarz rzymsko\-niemiecki \; 1552\-1612\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = wojna 1618\-1648 r. trzydziestoletnia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ferdynand II \(cesarz niemiecki \; 1578\-1637\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ferdynand III \(cesarz niemiecki \; 1608\-1657\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Leopold I \(cesarz rzymsko\-niemiecki \; 1640\-1705\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Józef I \(cesarz rzymsko\-niemiecki \; 1678\-1711\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Karol VI \(cesarz rzymsko\-niemiecki \; 1685\-1740\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Maria Teresa \(cesarzowa Austrii \; 1717\-1780\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = józefinizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = wojna 1756\-1763 r. siedmioletnia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Józef II \(cesarz rzymsko\-niemiecki \; 1741\-1790\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Leopold II \(cesarz rzymsko\-niemiecki \; 1747\-1792\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Franciszek I \(cesarz Austrii \; 1768\-1835\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ferdynand I \(cesarz Austrii \; 1793\-1875\)] OR [Title = Geschichte Oesterreichs mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Culturgeschichte. Bd. 2, Von 1526 bis 1873] OR [Creator = Mayer, Franz Martin \(1844\-1914\)]

Number of results: 14

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Wolfsgruber, Cölestin (1848-1924)


Woltmann, Carl Ludwig von (1770-1817) Schiller, Friedrich (1759-1805)


Koser, Reinhold (1852-1914)


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