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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = kalendarze ukraińskie \- 20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jozafat Jan Kuncewicz \(św. \; ca 1580\-1623\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = schematyzmy \- 20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = kościół greckokatolicki \- 20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = diecezje \- grekokatolicyzm \- 20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = duchowieństwo greckokatolickie \- 20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = lwowska, diecezja \(grekokatol.\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = przemyska, diecezja \(grekokatol.\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = stanisławowska, diecezja \(grekokatol.\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = mukaczowska, diecezja \(grekokatol.\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = preszowska, diecezja \(grekokatol.\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = kryżewacka, diecezja \(grekokatol.\)] OR [Title = Kalendar sv. Josafata na 1924 rìk ta šematizm kliru vsìh ukraïns’kih z’edinenih eparhìj] OR [Creator = Semkìv, Volodimir]

Number of results: 102

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B”leckìj, Andrej (red.) Âckovskìj, Mihail’ (red.)


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