Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Galicja \- 19 w. \- statystyka] OR [Subject and Keywords = przysłowia polskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Przemyśl \- czasopisma] OR [Subject and Keywords = święta \- judaizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = święta \- katolicyzm] OR [Subject and Keywords = ryś] OR [Subject and Keywords = bóbr europejski] OR [Subject and Keywords = grad] OR [Subject and Keywords = Galicja \- klęski elementarne \- 19 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = gospodarstwo rolne \- ekonomika] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pompeje \(Włochy\) \- archeologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Nightingale, Florence \(1820\-1910\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = banknoty angielskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = kalendarze polskie \- 19 w.] OR [Title = Kalendarz Naukowy Karola Langiego. 1865, R. 1]