Search for: [Subject and Keywords = teologia chrześcijańska] OR [Subject and Keywords = teologia systematyczna \- katolicyzm] OR [Subject and Keywords = charytologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = sakramenty \- katolicyzm] OR [Subject and Keywords = sakramenty wtajemniczenia chrześcijańskiego] OR [Subject and Keywords = chrzest] OR [Subject and Keywords = bierzmowanie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Eucharystia] OR [Title = Synopsis theologiae dogmaticae \: ad mentem S. Thomae Aquinatis hodiernis moribus accommodata. T. 3, De Deo Sanctificante et Remuneratore seu de Gratia, de Sacramentis et de Novissimis] OR [Creator = Tanquerey, Adolphe \(1854\-1932\)]