Search for: [Subject and Keywords = kościół katolicki] OR [Subject and Keywords = katechizm katolicki] OR [Subject and Keywords = katecheza \- katolicyzm] OR [Subject and Keywords = modlitwa \- katolicyzm] OR [Subject and Keywords = Dekalog] OR [Subject and Keywords = przykazania kościelne] OR [Subject and Keywords = sakramenty \- katolicyzm] OR [Subject and Keywords = cnoty teologiczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = cnoty kardynalne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Dary Ducha Świętego] OR [Subject and Keywords = błogosławieństwa ewangeliczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Caritas \(teol.\)] OR [Title = A Catechism of Christian Doctrine \: approved by Cardinal Vaughan and the Bishops of England]