Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Wojewódzka i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna. Wypożyczalnia Główna \(Rzeszów\) \- zbiory] OR [Subject and Keywords = zbiory biblioteczne \- informatory] OR [Subject and Keywords = Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von \(1749\-1832\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Schiller, Friedrich \(1759\-1805\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mann, Thomas \(1875\-1955\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Hesse, Hermann \(1877\-1962\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Remarque, Erich Maria \(1898\-1970\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Seghers, Anna \(1900\-1983\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kirst, Hans Hellmut \(1914\-1989\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Vandenberg, Philipp \(1941\- \)] OR [Title = Przedstawiciele literatury niemieckiej 18\-21 wieku]