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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Bieszczady] OR [Subject and Keywords = surowce] OR [Subject and Keywords = Karpaty \- geografia fizyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = geomorfologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Karpaty \- hydrografia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Cybińsko\-Wulkańskie, pasmo] OR [Subject and Keywords = Krzemnickie, pasmo] OR [Subject and Keywords = Tatry \- geografia fizyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = Karpaty \- geologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wag \(Słowacja \; dolina\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Beskidy] OR [Subject and Keywords = Banackie, Góry \(Rumunia\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Tatry \- Słowacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = Podtatrze] OR [Subject and Keywords = Europa \- geografia fizyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = Tatry \- meteorologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Marmarosz \(Rumunia\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Magura Witowska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Inowieckie, pasmo] OR [Subject and Keywords = ropa naftowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = wody śródlądowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = Tatry \- flora] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zdziarskie, pasmo] OR [Subject and Keywords = klimat] OR [Subject and Keywords = Liptów \(Słowacja\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = gaz ziemny] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gorgany \(Ukraina\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = źródła \(hydrol.\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jaworyjskie, pasmo] OR [Subject and Keywords = minerały] OR [Subject and Keywords = Podhale] OR [Subject and Keywords = Uhrońskie, pasmo] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mała Fatra \(Słowacja\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Tatry \- geologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rodniańskie, Góry] OR [Subject and Keywords = Tatry, Niżne \(Słowacja\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Beskidy \- Ukraina] OR [Subject and Keywords = Tatry \- hydrografia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Spisz] OR [Subject and Keywords = Hnileckie, pasmo] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wielka Fatra \(Słowacja\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Orawa] OR [Subject and Keywords = sól kamienna] OR [Subject and Keywords = Tatry \- Polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Karpaty \- flora] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ptacznika, pasmo] OR [Subject and Keywords = Siedmiogród \(Rumunia\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = jaskinie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Szczawnickie, pasmo] OR [Subject and Keywords = Żelazna Brama] OR [Subject and Keywords = Słowacki Kras \(Słowacja\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Karpaty, Małe \(Słowacja\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bihorskie, Góry \(Rumunia\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = jeziora] OR [Subject and Keywords = Trybieckie, pasmo] OR [Subject and Keywords = Beskidy Zachodnie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Branisko, pasmo] OR [Subject and Keywords = Czarnohora \(Ukraina\)] OR [Title = Karpaty \: opisane pod względem fizyczno\-geograficznym] OR [Creator = Rehman, Antoni \(1840\-1917\)]

Number of results: 336

items per page

Kozło, Włodzimierz (1902-1996)


Kozło, Włodzimierz (1902-1996)


Postępski, Zdzisław (1916-1991)


Postępski, Zdzisław (1916-1991)

[post 1960]

Postępski, Zdzisław (1916-1991)

[post 1960]

Postępski, Zdzisław (1916-1991)

[post 1960]

Postępski, Zdzisław (1916-1991)


Postępski, Zdzisław (1916-1991)


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