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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Bretschneider, Heinrich Gottfried von] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bretschneider, Heinrich Gottfried von \- relacje z podróży] OR [Subject and Keywords = Hacquet, Baltazar \(ca 1739\-1815\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Hacquet, Baltazar \(ca 1739\-1815\) \- relacje z podróży] OR [Subject and Keywords = Carosi, Johann Philipp von \(1744\-1801\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Carosi, Johann Philipp von \(1744\-1801\) \- relacje z podróży] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rohrer, Josef \(1769\-1828\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rohrer, Josef \(1769\-1828\) \- relacje z podróży] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kratter, Franciszek \(ca 1760\-1838\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kratter, Franciszek \(ca 1760\-1838\) \- relacje z podróży] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bredetzky, Samuel \(1772\-1812\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bredetzky, Samuel \(1772\-1812\) \- relacje z podróży] OR [Subject and Keywords = Galicja \- relacje z podróży \- 18\-19 w.] OR [Title = Galiciana \: 1778\-1812] OR [Creator = Schnür\-Pepłowski, Stanisław \(1859\-1900\)]

Number of results: 3

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Schnür-Pepłowski, Stanisław (1859-1900)


Schnür-Pepłowski, Stanisław (1859-1900)


Schnür-Pepłowski, Stanisław (1859-1900)


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