Search for: [Subject and Keywords = pamiętniki polskie \- 18\-19 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = listy polskie \- 18\-19 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = kobieta \- Polska \- 18\-19 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Stempkowska, Honorata] OR [Subject and Keywords = Czartoryska, Izabela Elżbieta \(1746\-1835\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Potocka, Anna \(1779\-1867\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Puzyna, Antonina] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kicka, Zofia \(1796\-1822\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mańkowska, Bogusława \(1814\-1901\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ankwiczówna, Henrietta Ewa \(1810\-1879\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Deotyma \(1834\-1908\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Modrzejewska, Helena \(1840\-1909\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Konarzewska, Paulina] OR [Subject and Keywords = Romanowiczówna, Zofia \(1842\-1935\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = antologie] OR [Title = Opowieści dziewczęce \: ustępy z pamiętników młodych panien \(1776\-1866\)]