Search for: [Subject and Keywords = malarstwo polskie \- 19\-20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = litografia polska \- 19\-20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Malczewski, Jacek \(1854\-1929\). Chrystus przed Piłatem] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jezus Chrystus] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jezus Chrystus \- w sztuce] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pilatus Pontius \(namiestnik Judei\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pilatus Pontius \(namiestnik Judei\) \- w sztuce] OR [Title = Chrystus przed Piłatem = Le Christ devant Pilate] OR [Creator = Malczewski, Jacek \(1854\-1929\)]