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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Jarosław \- historia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jarosław \- obywatele honorowi] OR [Subject and Keywords = biografie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Badeni, Kazimierz \(1846\-1909\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Badeni, Władysław \(1819\-1888\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bartoszewski, Karol \(1837\-1901\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Beust, Friedrich Ferdinand von \(1809\-1886\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Buzek, Jerzy \(1940\- \)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Byrtus, Josef \(1942\- \)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Dietzius, Adolf \(1852\-1920\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Drewniak, Władysław \(1948\- \)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Fechter\-Czacka, Izabela \(1914\-1998\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gaberle, Ernest \(1822\-1896\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gołuchowski, Agenor \(1812\-1875\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gruca, Adam \(1893\-1983\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Haftek, Jan \(1928\- \)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Handke, Mirosław \(1946\- \)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jahl, Władysław \(\?\-1925\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jan Paweł II \(papież \; 1920\-2005\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Koba, Roman \(1916\-2001\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Korzeniowski, Robert \(1968\- \)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kovács, István \(1945\- \)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Krajnik, Józef \(1922\-2005\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kraszewski, Józef Ignacy \(1812\-1887\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Niemkiewicz, Bronisław \(1925\- \)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Peprnik, Milan \(1961\- \)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Perykasza, Edward \(1923\-1993\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Piłsudski, Józef \(1867\-1935\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pressen, Wawrzyniec] OR [Subject and Keywords = Saar, Henryk] OR [Subject and Keywords = Sapieha, Adam \(1828\-1903\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Szczepański, Wojciech \(1914\-1993\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Tokarczuk, Ignacy \(1918\-2012\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wieczorkiewicz, Wacław \(1890\-1969\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zając, Stanisław \(1949\-2010\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zdrada, Jerzy \(1936\- \)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ziemiałkowski, Florian \(1817\-1900\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ziobro, Kazimierz \(1949\- \)] OR [Title = Honorowi obywatele Jarosławia 1857\-2003] OR [Creator = Kostka\-Bieńkowska, Zofia]

Number of results: 393

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Skarga, Piotr (1536-1612) Januszewski, Franciszek Antoni (1871-1916) (oprac.)


Geiger, Ludwig (1848-1919)

książka biografia

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