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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = teologia chrześcijańska] OR [Subject and Keywords = filozofia chrześcijańska] OR [Subject and Keywords = duchowość chrześcijańska] OR [Subject and Keywords = kościół wczesnochrześcijański] OR [Subject and Keywords = patrologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = patrologia \- biografie \- 4\-5 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = doktorzy kościoła] OR [Subject and Keywords = święci i błogosławieni] OR [Subject and Keywords = Atanazy Wielki \(św. \; ca 295\-373\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bazyli Wielki \(św. \; ca 330\-379\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Cyryl Jerozolimski \(św. \; ca 315\-386\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jan Chryzostom \(św. \; 350\-407\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Hilary z Poitiers \(św. \; ca 315\-367\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ambroży \(św. \; 339\-397\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Hieronim \(św. \; ca 340\-ca 420\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Augustyn \(św. \; 354\-430\)] OR [Title = Patrol’og̀ìâ \: žittâ, pis'ma ì nauka otcìv cerkvi. Č. 2, Rozcvìtna doba, „zolotij vìk” patrističnoï lìteraturi] OR [Creator = Laba, Vasil’ \(1887\-1976\)]

Number of results: 53

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