Search for: [Subject and Keywords = księga pamiątkowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = opowiadanie polskie \- 20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Towarzystwo Łowieckie Ziem Wschodnich] OR [Subject and Keywords = Hubert \(św. \; ca 655\-727\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = łowiectwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = pies myśliwski] OR [Subject and Keywords = Trąbki myśliwskie \(czasop.\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = ryś \- łowiectwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = wiersz polski \- 20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = wilk \- łowiectwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = gościnność] OR [Subject and Keywords = pardwa \- łowiectwo] OR [Title = Myślistwo wschodnie \: księga pamiątkowa łowiectwa wschodniego]